How to See Deleted Comments on Facebook

There is no way to see deleted comments on Facebook. Once a comment is deleted, it is gone forever.

  • Go to your Facebook page and click on the three lines in the top right corner of the screen
  • Scroll down and click on “Activity Log
  • Click on the pencil icon next to the word “Filter” in the top right corner of your activity log
  • A drop-down menu will appear–select “Comments
  • ” This will show you all of the comments you’ve made on posts, both those that are still visible and those that have been deleted

How to See If a Comment was Deleted on Facebook

If you’re wondering whether a comment was deleted on Facebook, there are a few ways to check. First, if you’re looking at a post that has comments from other people, look for any gaps in the numbering of the comments.

For example, if there are comments from people numbered 1-6, and then suddenly someone is numbered 10, that means there were three comments that were deleted.

Another way to tell if comments have been deleted is by looking at the time stamps on each comment. If there are large gaps in time between when one comment was made and another, it’s likely that some comments were deleted in between.

Finally, if you’re still not sure whether or not comments have been deleted, you can try asking the person who made the original post. They may be able to tell you if they’ve noticed any missing comments.

How Do I Retrieve Deleted Comments on Facebook?

If you’ve deleted a comment on Facebook, you can’t retrieve it. However, if you have a friend who commented on the same post, they may be able to show you what was said.

Can You View Deleted Comments on Facebook?

When you delete a comment on Facebook, it is permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. This includes comments made on your own posts as well as those made on someone else’s posts.

If you accidentally delete a comment, you can try contacting the person who made the comment or the page administrator to see if they have a copy of it.

What Happens to Comments on a Deleted Facebook Post?

When a Facebook user deletes a post, any comments that have been made on that post are also deleted. This is true whether the user deletes the post themselves or if Facebook removes the post due to a violation of its Community Standards.

If a user wants to delete a post but preserve the comments, they can do so by unchecking the “comments” box before deleting the post.

Can Deleted Comments Be Seen?

Yes, deleted comments can be seen. When you delete a comment, it is not permanently deleted from the site. Instead, it is moved to a special section of the site where only administrators can see it.

This allows administrators to review the comment and decide whether or not to restore it.


If you’re wondering how to see deleted comments on Facebook, you’re not alone. Many people have the same question, especially since Facebook doesn’t make it easy to find deleted comments. Fortunately, there are a few ways to view deleted comments.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to see deleted comments on Facebook. First, open up the page where the comment was made. If you can’t remember where the comment was made, try searching for it using the search bar at the top of Facebook.

Once you’ve found the page, look for a section called “Activity Log.” Click on that section and then select “Comments.” This will show you all of the comments that have been made on that particular page, including any that have been deleted.

If you don’t see the “Activity Log” option, it’s likely because your privacy settings are set to “Only Me.” To change this setting, go to your privacy settings by clicking on the down arrow in the top right corner of Facebook and selecting “Settings.” Then click on “Privacy” in the left sidebar.

Underneath the “Your Activity” heading, change the setting from “Only Me” to “Public.” Now when you go back to look at Comments under Activity Log, you should be able to see all comments – even those that have been deleted!

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